I Am Afraid that Women are the Problem

I can find no fault with his logic.



I am Afraid that Women are the Problem

               Essay by Stefan Molyneux

Through empirical observation and through factual analysis, we can accept the statistical fact that slightly over half (56%) of all women are irrational (in general). When rational, females in and of themselves have a superior reasoning and logical facility. But, most who possess these characteristics give them up. They give them up by choice. This results in a significant flaw in the mental and emotional make-up of the vast majority of all women – rational, irrational, or otherwise.

It is a given that the vast majority of men are jerks; they are asinine idiots. Once fully formed as individuals, nothing can change them, except of course for themselves – and that almost never happens. What is important here is that which causes them to be asinine jerks. Unfortunately, the root of the continued propagation of men being asinine idiots lies with women. Women are the (only) ones with control over the situation, who could, by choice, change the situation.

Women who choose a jackass to copulate with and to have relationships with will eventually end the human race. They will end the human race if we do not start holding them accountable. Women who choose jackasses guarantee child abuse. Women who choose jackasses guarantee criminality, sociopathy, and psychopathy. Women who choose jackasses guarantee conflict, war, genocide, and worse. All the cold-hearted jerks who run the world came out of the vaginas of women who married jackasses, and I do not know how to make the world a better place without holding women accountable for choosing jackasses! Yes, I know – your dad was a jackass and my dad was a jackass. Your dad was a jackass because your mother chose him, because it works on so many women. If “jackass” was not such a great reproductive strategy, it would have been gone long ago. Women keep that black bastard flame alive. They cup their hands around it. They protect it with their bodies. They keep the evil of the species going by continually choosing these men. If being a jackass did not get women, there would be no jackasses left. If women chose decent guys over jackasses, we would have a glorious and peaceful world in one generation. Women determine the personality traits of the men because women choose who to have sex with and who to have children with and who to expose those children to. I get that you are angry at your dad and you have every reason to be angry at your dad. Your dad is who he is fundamentally because your mother was willing to copulate with him and have you. Willing and eager to fuck the monster. Here’s news: Stop fucking monsters and we get a great world. Keep fucking monsters and we get politicians, criminals, crazies, catastrophes, war, nuclear weapons, national debts, we get incarcerations and prison guards and all the other florid jackasses who rule the world. Women worship at the feet of the devil and wonder why the world is evil. Stand up and take some responsibilities.

I did not come up with this bit of wisdom myself. I learned it from the masters. I have a group of friends who are mostly lesbians; they are effectively the closest-knit family I have ever seen. Some are lesbians naturally, one or two by choice, and several perhaps just by virtue of the characteristics of their mate. Because of who I am and what I am about, I am friends with them at a distance. Still, I am able to keep up with their lives, their writings, and their communications with each other. Needless to say, they are all among the 46% of extant rational females. The lives they lead, the closeness of their family unit, the nature of the everyday decisions they make, the gentle humor that tends to govern their lives, and on down the list of characteristics … are all incredible. They are all wonderful people; there is not an ounce of guile among them. Their dedication and commitment not just to their respective mates, but to the family unit as a whole, is a phenomenon unto itself. They do not just subscribe to the same philosophies I do, they live them. I am really rather envious. I wish I could be more an active friend to them, but for their own safety, I cannot. The only thing I disagree with them on is their unwillingness to push and promote their philosophies on society at large. I hate that, but I have to respect it. Nevertheless, these young women understand the problem and combat it everyday; at least they do this on a person-by-person basis. Indirectly, they have given me quite an education. Mind you, I am not saying you have to be a lesbian to understand and combat the problem, but many lesbians do seem to have a more clear bead on it than everyone else.

Ladies, you are the root of the problem. You are the root of the problem – by choice. I heartily recommend you study the problem and effect some changes. Civilization ultimately depends on it.