The Truth about what Passes for “Settled Science” Today, and about the Science your Children are Taught in School Everyday

“There is nothing new under the sun. “

This statement is considered a truism in both everyday life and in the science of physics. It is considered “Settled Science.” How do we know this? The teachers, professors, journalists, media elite, politicians, government functionaries, and accountants tell us that this is so. How do they know this? Certainly not from true science or the scientific method. They know this because their bosses, and the puppet-masters well above their bosses – have told them so.

“There is nothing new under the sun” – meaning that nothing (not matter, energy, plasma, or anything else) within our universe is ever created or destroyed; the total amount remain constant and these things just change form. By corollary, our universe is a closed container.

So, are these propositions true? I suggest to you that they are not true. More on that later.

The propositions above are very important to our society. Dark Matter, Dark Energy, and String Theory – all hinge on the above concepts being correct. The above-concepts hinge on the Big Bang Theory being correct, which itself hinges on Relativity being completely correct.

Well, that’s not good. Did you know that Dark Matter, Dark Energy, and String Theory – are not dying theories? No, they are completely dead already. As a layperson, you do not yet know this. As a scientist or university professor who is not a physicist or working in the area of physics, you have heard that such information and declarations are coming. If you are a physics professor or otherwise work in the sciences in the area of physics, then you know this to be true but you are absolutely terrified because your bosses (and those above them) have told you that such IS UNTRUE, and even if it turns out to be true, YOU WILL keep acting, speaking, and teaching as if it were untrue.

It actually does happen that wrongful “facts” promoted by TPTB eventually do get disproved by those doing the real work. But TPTB can stave off their end for a long, long time.

I’ll talk in lay terms here. For most people reading this, the math does not matter. For those interested enough to follow up, the math is easily found.

So, in consideration of the above, what does appear to be the truth?

Dark energy and dark matter? Fictitious, paper inventions that are necessary “to make all the other numbers work.” These were not proposed as a result of observational analysis, data interpretation, or the scientific method. They were assembled. The numbers were invented, massaged, and inserted because “These numbers must exist this way in order for all the other theories / facts we promote to be true.”

The Big Bang? Never happened. The Red Shift problem and the speed problems make it laughable. The reason for the existence and promotion of the concept was / is that it is a big, big money-maker.

Special Relativity? Nope. The speed of light is not constant at all points in the physical universe nor under all conditions. In fact, there is much developing data that indicate the speed of light is in actually observer-relevant. Any time you see the adjective “special” applied to a scientific concept – run away. It means that the numbers do not work.

Here is my personal example of how all of this currently works.

I declare that 5+6= 16.  In seeing that the sum is obviously incorrect, and yet realizing that it has already been accepted by TPTB as the norm, I create a new number called Quantudarknum. This new number is not a visible number, cannot really be measured or quantified, and it’s only there when I need it to be there. When you accept all of this as settled science, you are then qualified to be either a physicist or journalist or member of the public in the year 2022.

Finally, where does the supportable data appear to point at the moment?

The relevant concepts are steady state, continuous creation, and ether. It is kind of wild that vacuum energy appears to be the key to everything, just not in the way Dark Matter said it was. It is all terribly politically incorrect and horribly inconvenient; it turns out that Tesla had pretty much all of it right.

“Tesla” – now that’s a nasty term; they’ll get you for that!

Nikola Tesla is the most suppressed figure and name in modern history.

Did you know that Tesla’s name is not included in the Smithsonian Institute’s The Smithsonian Book of Invention and The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions? It was Tesla (not Edison) who gave the world electromagnetic power (AC) and it was Tesla (not Marconi) who gave the world electromagnetic communication (Radio), and yet children are not taught this in school and Tesla’s named remains all but banned even today in 2022.

Why? For good reason. Since it is the case that he got the big picture right, the entire big picture … that is, and TPTB have known this for decades and we cannot and we must not have individuals and second (and third) world countries applying the relevant science and gaining world-changing technologies.

Now saying all of this undoubtedly makes me, me – a physics professor, in the eyes of many, a conspiracy theorist and worse. So be it. However, surely the same could not be said of teacher John W. Wagner and his third grade class. I invite you to learn a little bit about Tesla via the efforts of this teacher and his children, and their extraordinary quest to right some of the wrongs of history and to combat a conspiracy. Please click the link below.


If we all live long enough, if we survive the current crash-and-burn economic cycle, if we survive the war and conflict that seems about to consume us, if we survive the other manufactured maladies that will soon be introduced to plague and distract us, you will then start to slowly hear of these scientific theories and concepts. Or, you can investigate the collegiate and scientific journals and studies in China and Russia, right now.

The point of this discussion is not to correctly solve the problems of physics, but is rather to explain the false process that controls our outlook today. “The science” is never settled; that’s the point of it all. The pablum you’ve been fed all your life is a crock, and yet you’ve consumed it eagerly and unquestioningly. I truly hope you realize that it is even easier to buy a scientist than it is to buy a politician.


I am not out to convince you of anything. It matters not a whit to me if you believe what I have said about Dark Matter, Dark Energy, String Theory, Big Bang, Relativity, Steady State, Continuous Creation , or Ether.

However, I do hope that what I have said here has been interesting enough to motivate you to do your own research, to view everyone and everything with a critical eye (including me), and to consider the possibility that the puppet masters not only control the stooges in government, the media, the political machines, the military industrial complex, and the top of corporate America in general, and that perhaps they also control the universities and collegiate academia.

As an employee of a major American university, I am contractually prevented from discussing these things openly at the university or with the media, just as I am contractually prevented from pursuing select, defined lines of research in certain areas of physics. Technically, I am supposed to clear anything and everything I say on social media about science through the university. I have not done so with this posting.

The time for speaking truth is long overdue.

Let’s see if the bad guys are watching.

All emails and messages will be answered.

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