The Truth about what Passes for “Settled Science” Today, and about the Science your Children are Taught in School Everyday

“There is nothing new under the sun. “

This statement is considered a truism in both everyday life and in the science of physics. It is considered “Settled Science.” How do we know this? The teachers, professors, journalists, media elite, politicians, government functionaries, and accountants tell us that this is so. How do they know this? Certainly not from true science or the scientific method. They know this because their bosses, and the puppet-masters well above their bosses – have told them so.

“There is nothing new under the sun” – meaning that nothing (not matter, energy, plasma, or anything else) within our universe is ever created or destroyed; the total amount remain constant and these things just change form. By corollary, our universe is a closed container.

So, are these propositions true? I suggest to you that they are not true. More on that later.

The propositions above are very important to our society. Dark Matter, Dark Energy, and String Theory – all hinge on the above concepts being correct. The above-concepts hinge on the Big Bang Theory being correct, which itself hinges on Relativity being completely correct.

Well, that’s not good. Did you know that Dark Matter, Dark Energy, and String Theory – are not dying theories? No, they are completely dead already. As a layperson, you do not yet know this. As a scientist or university professor who is not a physicist or working in the area of physics, you have heard that such information and declarations are coming. If you are a physics professor or otherwise work in the sciences in the area of physics, then you know this to be true but you are absolutely terrified because your bosses (and those above them) have told you that such IS UNTRUE, and even if it turns out to be true, YOU WILL keep acting, speaking, and teaching as if it were untrue.

It actually does happen that wrongful “facts” promoted by TPTB eventually do get disproved by those doing the real work. But TPTB can stave off their end for a long, long time.

I’ll talk in lay terms here. For most people reading this, the math does not matter. For those interested enough to follow up, the math is easily found.

So, in consideration of the above, what does appear to be the truth?

Dark energy and dark matter? Fictitious, paper inventions that are necessary “to make all the other numbers work.” These were not proposed as a result of observational analysis, data interpretation, or the scientific method. They were assembled. The numbers were invented, massaged, and inserted because “These numbers must exist this way in order for all the other theories / facts we promote to be true.”

The Big Bang? Never happened. The Red Shift problem and the speed problems make it laughable. The reason for the existence and promotion of the concept was / is that it is a big, big money-maker.

Special Relativity? Nope. The speed of light is not constant at all points in the physical universe nor under all conditions. In fact, there is much developing data that indicate the speed of light is in actually observer-relevant. Any time you see the adjective “special” applied to a scientific concept – run away. It means that the numbers do not work.

Here is my personal example of how all of this currently works.

I declare that 5+6= 16.  In seeing that the sum is obviously incorrect, and yet realizing that it has already been accepted by TPTB as the norm, I create a new number called Quantudarknum. This new number is not a visible number, cannot really be measured or quantified, and it’s only there when I need it to be there. When you accept all of this as settled science, you are then qualified to be either a physicist or journalist or member of the public in the year 2022.

Finally, where does the supportable data appear to point at the moment?

The relevant concepts are steady state, continuous creation, and ether. It is kind of wild that vacuum energy appears to be the key to everything, just not in the way Dark Matter said it was. It is all terribly politically incorrect and horribly inconvenient; it turns out that Tesla had pretty much all of it right.

“Tesla” – now that’s a nasty term; they’ll get you for that!

Nikola Tesla is the most suppressed figure and name in modern history.

Did you know that Tesla’s name is not included in the Smithsonian Institute’s The Smithsonian Book of Invention and The Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions? It was Tesla (not Edison) who gave the world electromagnetic power (AC) and it was Tesla (not Marconi) who gave the world electromagnetic communication (Radio), and yet children are not taught this in school and Tesla’s named remains all but banned even today in 2022.

Why? For good reason. Since it is the case that he got the big picture right, the entire big picture … that is, and TPTB have known this for decades and we cannot and we must not have individuals and second (and third) world countries applying the relevant science and gaining world-changing technologies.

Now saying all of this undoubtedly makes me, me – a physics professor, in the eyes of many, a conspiracy theorist and worse. So be it. However, surely the same could not be said of teacher John W. Wagner and his third grade class. I invite you to learn a little bit about Tesla via the efforts of this teacher and his children, and their extraordinary quest to right some of the wrongs of history and to combat a conspiracy. Please click the link below.


If we all live long enough, if we survive the current crash-and-burn economic cycle, if we survive the war and conflict that seems about to consume us, if we survive the other manufactured maladies that will soon be introduced to plague and distract us, you will then start to slowly hear of these scientific theories and concepts. Or, you can investigate the collegiate and scientific journals and studies in China and Russia, right now.

The point of this discussion is not to correctly solve the problems of physics, but is rather to explain the false process that controls our outlook today. “The science” is never settled; that’s the point of it all. The pablum you’ve been fed all your life is a crock, and yet you’ve consumed it eagerly and unquestioningly. I truly hope you realize that it is even easier to buy a scientist than it is to buy a politician.


I am not out to convince you of anything. It matters not a whit to me if you believe what I have said about Dark Matter, Dark Energy, String Theory, Big Bang, Relativity, Steady State, Continuous Creation , or Ether.

However, I do hope that what I have said here has been interesting enough to motivate you to do your own research, to view everyone and everything with a critical eye (including me), and to consider the possibility that the puppet masters not only control the stooges in government, the media, the political machines, the military industrial complex, and the top of corporate America in general, and that perhaps they also control the universities and collegiate academia.

As an employee of a major American university, I am contractually prevented from discussing these things openly at the university or with the media, just as I am contractually prevented from pursuing select, defined lines of research in certain areas of physics. Technically, I am supposed to clear anything and everything I say on social media about science through the university. I have not done so with this posting.

The time for speaking truth is long overdue.

Let’s see if the bad guys are watching.

All emails and messages will be answered.

An Important Repost from Dr. Michael Turner

I find there is nothing I can add to this.


August 31, 2022

Losing My (Vaccine) Religion: A Doctor’s Journey From Hope to Despair

A Tragic COVID Opera in 4 Acts

Michael Turner M.D.

Aug 31

[See link at bottom to actual article internet address to activate audio version]



The boy dreams. The dream captivates and challenges and engulfs him, drawing him forward in pursuit, while at times burdening him with more than he thinks he can bear.  


He can’t. In his heart he knows that someone will need him someday, and he must be ready to serve with excellence and integrity.  

The boy becomes a man, marries, and starts a family. He graduates from Harvard Medical School and The Mayo Clinic. The man becomes a doctor.  

But has The Dream been fulfilled? 

Act 1: Grief  

I am a doctor with a troubled conscience.  

I am a friend with a heavy heart. 

January 2021: I am standing next to an open grave. Rays of sun cannot cheer the depths of pain and loss in my heart. The body of my dear friend, Bruce, is being lowered to its final resting place. Sobs from his eldest daughter fill the air.  

Age 79 and dead from COVID. Just a few weeks earlier, we shared laughs and bear hugs over Thanksgiving dinner. “Doctor, what do you think of this virus?” was the topic of conversation across the table. 

Bruce was a good man, a special man. The kind of guy who found a way to connect with everyone he met. He had the gift of gab and a way of interacting that made people feel accepted and valued.  The fabric of humanity suffered a tear that day, and, as I marked the occasion, I couldn’t help but think — dammit!, if he had just been able to hold out a few months until the vaccine arrived. It felt cosmically unjust — like sinking under the waves just moments before the lifeguard arrived. 

March 2021: vaccine arrival. I greet the news of the vaccine with all due medical and patriotic enthusiasm: a ray of hope (!) and a balm for the psyche of a country battered by the pandemic and political strife. Operation Warp speed had delivered the goods: cutting-edge technology poised to prime our bodies for the fight of our lives.  

I dutifully rolled-up my sleeve and received my first Pfizer, repeating again six weeks later. No ill effects other than a bit of malaise and a sore deltoid for a few days. I was glad to have this available and recommended it far and wide to patients.  

Act 2: Following the Science and Questioning the Narrative 

“If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.” 

The passage of time brought medical and social concerns: Mandates? Get-vaccinated-or-get-fired? 

Whatever role the vaccines still have (high-risk populations, nursing home residents, etc.), they have risks, and, just as with any medical intervention, should only be recommended based on an individualized risk/benefit analysis with proper informed consent.

Mandates and travel requirements sounded aggressive to me. But this was force-fed to us as a necessary public health response: desperate times called for desperate measures. Unvaccinated people were spreading this virus and endangering us all. Ignorance and personal choice were one thing; selfishness at the expense of others was entirely different. 

My mind held an uneasy peace. But as time wore on, and my investigations continued, my equilibrium was disturbed, and the tidy ends of this story began to unravel… 

Plot twist #1: Vaccinated people are just as infectious as unvaccinated. 

Turns out that leaked CDC data revealed vaccinated people developed viral loads that were just as high (read here and here), prompting this juicy quote from Dr. Fauci: “You can make a reasonable assumption that vaccinated people can transmit the virus just like unvaccinated people can,” Fauci said. 

Then a UK study, which followed households for 12 months to track infection rates, confirmed that peak viral load did not differ by vaccination status, and then concluded with this bombshell: You were just as likely to catch COVID from a vaccinated family member as from an unvaccinated one (25% if your sick family member was vaccinated and 23% if unvaccinated).  

Meanwhile, back in Seattle, my sister-in-law was neighbor-shamed into getting vaccinated (despite her hesitations and medical comorbidities) because the parents of her 3-year-old son’s best friend wouldn’t let the kids play together until she got the shot.  

Plot twist #2: The vaccines don’t work very well at this point.  

Understand that the vaccines have not been updated since this entire pandemic began. That’s right folks: the vaccines still being administered are against the original Wuhan strain — which, of course, is no longer in circulation.  

We are now dealing with version 4.0 (Wuhan, Alpha, Delta, and now Omicron and its variants), and with each generation, vaccine efficacy has weakened.  

Comparative example: How excited would you be about getting the flu shot from 4 years ago? 

(To be fair, the same problem of declining protection against new variants is also seen with natural immunity.) 

So, the vaccines still appear to offer some benefit but not enough to make my heart race. Even more worrisome is the potential that, paradoxically, they may make it easier to contract these newer strains (read here).   

Plot twist #3: The spike protein produced by the vaccines is actually toxic to our vascular and nervous systems. 

At first, we thought the SARS-COV-2 spike protein was benign — just a thing the virus uses to gain access to our cells. But it turns out that the spike protein is highly toxic—  damaging the lining of our blood vessels (“endothelial damage”), predisposing to blood clots and provoking inflammation and tissue damage wherever it is found. 

So what are we to make of the fact that the vaccines instruct our cells to produce high levels of spike protein? Concerning? 

Pfizer, Moderna, J&J and Novavax all create production of “full length” spike proteins, and this paper clearly states that “full length” proteins trigger vascular damage in lung tissue. 

Furthermore, these spike proteins are known to circulate widely after injection.  

“But isn’t the structure of the vaccine-produced spike protein different?” 

Outstanding question; so glad you asked…Yes, it has some slight structural differences, but not in any way that has been proven to make it less toxic. As mentioned above, it is a “full length” spike protein, and those are known to be damaging. Furthermore, it is capable of being cleaved and releasing the “S1 subunit”, which is the exact same S1 subunit as the natural virus and which is known to cause a host of serious problems, including blood clots and destruction of cell membranes.  

(This paper shows pictures of S1 subunits from spike proteins causing blood platelets to clump and activate. And this intrepid doctor and lawyer took before- and-after pictures with a microscope of what happens when the Pfizer vaccine touches a sample of blood. And here we read how the S1 subunit is a toxin that directly damages cell membranes.)

Thus, the CDC is entirely inaccurate when it describes the spike protein as “a harmless piece of a protein.” 

Of course, a natural SARS-COV-2 infection also brings its own spike protein burden, but this is predicted to be less extensive (in amount and duration) than the vaccine-induced burden, since the vaccine mRNA has been engineered (pgs 5-7) to resist degradation so as to create a “super-potent” burst of spike protein production.  

Plot Twist #4: These spike proteins, and vaccine nanoparticles, travel far from the original site of injection

At first, we were told the vaccines stayed localized to the site of injection — turns out they’ve got more wheels than a teenager with a new car and a hot date.  

We know that the vaccines release SARS-CoV-2 spike protein into general circulation

We now know — from Pfizer’s own data submitted to Japanese regulators – that mRNA vaccines travel far from the site of local injection, creating visible uptake in the spleen, liver, ovaries and adrenal glands of the experimental animals. 

Meanwhile, the #1 Google search result still tells us this:,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/

That’s curious… because these scientists isolated viral mRNA and spike proteins from lymph node biopsies 60 days after injection.  

The consequences of the vaccine traveling to distant organs — including the ovaries — raise grave concerns for Women’s Health. We know that polyethylene glycol, an ingredient found in the Pfizer and Moderna injections, has been found to pose a “potential toxicity risk” to women’s ovaries. And we know that 30,000 women in Britain have reported menstrual changes after receiving the vaccine. 

As regards lactation, we know there is a theoretical basis for transmission via breastmilk (page 15). And we even have mainstream medical experts admitting that “These conversations are challenging because the Pfizer/BioNtech vaccine trial excluded lactating individuals. As a result, there are no clinical data regarding the safety of this vaccine in nursing mothers” (emphasis mine).  

Plot twist #5: Vaccine injury reports have exploded. 

The CDC boldly states that “COVID-19 vaccines have undergone—and will continue to undergo—the most intensive safety monitoring in U.S. history.”  


Hmmnn… Does the “most intensive safety monitoring in U.S. history” include being rushed to market under Emergency Use Authorization while using the populace as a giant Phase 3 clinical trial (often under coercion)?  

(The discrepancies and shortcomings of the Pfizer data are painstakingly and damningly laid out in this censored video) 

Does it include the FDA siding with Pfizer in a freedom-of-information request in which they wanted 75 years to fully disclose their raw data for independent analysis? (Read Dr. Doshi’s cogent plea for transparency.)  

Does it include the CDC dismissing vaccine injury data reported to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), as follows: 

Reports of death after COVID-19 vaccination are rare.” 

Really? Cause this data from the Open VAERS project doesn’t look rare to me. 

If you’ve not heard of it, you need to be aware of the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting database (VAERS). This was established by Congress in 1990 and meant to serve as warning system of potential vaccine side-effects.,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/

Post-vaccination deaths reported to the US VAERS system, 1990 to November 2021 (OpenVAERS) 

The CDC attempts to reassure us…  

“FDA requires healthcare providers to report any death after COVID-19 vaccination to VAERS, even if it’s unclear whether the vaccine was the cause. Reports of adverse events to VAERS following vaccination, including deaths, do not necessarily mean that a vaccine caused a health problem.” 

“Ahhh….That’s better.”.… So who else feels calm and at peace now? 

Correlation is not necessarily causation — I get it. But that is definitely not reassuring, now, is it?, and let’s just say that the barn door to causation is flung wide-open. In my opinion, #30,479 deaths (as of 8/29/22) should prompt serious, urgent and meaningful investigation.  For that, I commend you to Jessica Rose Ph.D. who produced the definitive interview on VAERS risk.  

Oh, and it’s not just the VAERS database sending us these signals. As this superlative article from Dr. Pierre Kory elaborates, Life Insurance, Medicare and even German health insurance claims all report a surge in deaths — not just since COVID but specifically since the vaccine rollout.  

Simple question: If they are so safe, why do the vaccine manufacturers need total legal immunity from any potential harms? 

Simple question: Can you handle the truth

Intermission: I present, for your consideration dear reader, these documented side-effects of the vaccine: 

  1. Blood clots (read here and also here)  
  2. Multisystem inflammatory disease (read here and also here)  
  3. Reactivation of dormant viral infections (read here)
  4. “Dramatic alterations in gene expression of almost all immune cells”  
  5. Reduction of CD8 T cells and Type 1 interferon response (read here); therefore, increased cancer risk.
    1. Details about Type 1 interferon and cancer in this article
  6. Reprogramming the immune system and reducing response to toll-like receptors TLR4, TLR7 and TLR8 (read here and also here)
  7. Triggering of underlying autoimmune conditions (read here)
  8. Potential to create worse subsequent infections due to Antibody Dependent Enhancement (read here

In fact, just prior to widespread vaccine rollout, this Chinese virologist warned us against hasty deployment and suggested carefully investigating possible safety concerns. 

Act 3: It Gets Personal 

But enough about numbers and data– let’s talk about real, individual people. Like my family

Like my 23-year-old daughter (healthy nursing student) who, after her mandatory vaccine, complains of persistent difficulty with concentration and memory. Or my 17-year-old daughter’s friend — last year a district-champion long-distance runner, this year struggling to complete workouts due to persistent chest pain. Or my former in-law, who was doing well until breast cancer came out of remission just after her second vaccine and quickly overwhelmed her. Ditto for the dear woman who hosted me as a high-school exchange student 30 years ago and became a second mother to me. Her funeral was just last month.  

Quick question, class: Raise your hand if you personally know someone who has had a serious vaccine side effect. 

So where is the vigorous, open, honest, urgent, strident, (outraged?), national discussion of this situation? Tens of thousands of people are potentially being injured or dying prematurely and this is not talked about every night on the news? Or in some regular CDC press briefing? 

What is going on? 

Act 4: Censorship and Excommunication 

Turns out you can’t talk openly about vaccine risks. “We don’t talk about Bruno.” Verboten. Any candid discussion of risks – even by credentialed experts speaking in their field of study – has been censored because “encouraging vaccine hesitancy” has become a thought-crime, and in the name of “combatting COVID misinformation”, the government and media have displayed a dazzling level of cooperation. Desperate times call for desperate measures, indeed. 

In the new state-sponsored Public Health Religion, to raise these concerns is to commit The Unpardonable Sin. 

The result? As in the worst extremes of religious extremism, the self-righteously smug authorities summarily execute judgement: your social media accounts will disappear, your interviews will vanish from YouTube, your credibility will be maligned, and your employment and livelihood will be threatened.  

Cancel-culture sucker-punched modern medicine and the poor white coats never knew what hit them.  

Do I exaggerate?  

Do an internet search for Robert Malone MD, Pierre Kory MD, Paul Marik MD, Didier Raoult or Ryan Cole MD. Or how about Luc Montagnier Ph.D, Michael Yeadon Ph.D, Byram Bridle Ph.D, or Jessica Rose Ph.D. Tell me what you find… There’s a reason half these brave souls ended-up on Substack.  

Do I exaggerate?   

My doctor friend, employed by our local hospital, offers this confessional: “We received an email stating if we brought up concerns about the vaccine or were less than enthusiastic about encouraging each patient to get it, we would be subject to termination.” 

He is a pediatrician.  

Meanwhile, back on the farm, in a strident appeal published in the British Medical Journal, a group of doctors cogently lay out a case against vaccine mandates, and as regards children, end by saying:  

For young age groups, in whom covid-related morbidity and mortality is low, and for those who have had covid-19 infection already, and appear to have longstanding immunological memory, the harms of taking a vaccine are almost certain to outweigh the benefits to the individual, and the goal of reducing transmission to other people at higher risk has not been demonstrated securely” (emphasis mine).  

Meanwhile, reports from inside the CDC and FDA indicate low morale and cognitive dissonance as senior scientists realize these agencies are prioritizing politics over public health. And the CDC now admits serious shortcomings and announces a restructuring.  


This is not about red state vs blue state. This is not even a broader discussion about vaccines in general. (I grew up receiving all required vaccinations.) When my father was stuck in a nursing home with Alzheimer’s, I was adamant that he receive the vaccine, and I would make that same decision again today.  And my goal is not to stoke the fires of the Outrage Machine so that my tribe can become more indignant about what “they” are doing to us.  

My intention is to have an honest, patient-centered examination of this situation and to allow that discussion to illuminate larger issues of bioethics, autonomy, collusion, greed, censorship, and freedom of information.  

I am not asking you to agree with my position but only to be aware of all facets of the issue. 

To my mind, this is about freedom. This is about honesty and transparency. And, most importantly, in the end, this is about people: real, individual human beings trying to live their best lives for a brief time here on Planet Earth. We deserve to know the truth. And we deserve to have our truth acknowledged – like the poignant story of this vaccine immunologist who herself became a victim of vaccine injury. 

I began this journey as a friend with a heavy heart; I have ended as a doctor with a troubled conscience.  

But I have hope.  

“Then you will know the truth, and the truth shall set you free” (John 8:32). 

Your Partner In Health,

Dr. Michael Turner

Further Reading

Save Yourself From the COVID Spike Protein

Robert Malone MD

Pierre Kory MD

Jessica Rose Ph.D.

Doctors For COVID Ethics

Canadian COVID Care Alliance

Voice for Science And Solidarity

An Important Repost from James Howard Kunstler

October 17, 2022

American Inquisition

The thinking classes in America want to emulate the theocratic lunacy of the Sixteenth Century. They have become everything they used to despise as cruel, unjust, and crazy.

The world turns and things change. Everybody knows that. But the turnings and changings throw off sparks, which light fires. The intellectual turnings of the European Renaissance lit fires in the lumbering bureaucracy of Roman Catholicism, burdened as it was with abstruse theology larded with lingering, age-old superstition. Witch hunts, inquisitions, and persecutions ensued, even as the authority of the old order wobbled and frayed. The gross cruelties of the people in charge didn’t bolster their prestige, and a few centuries later you see the result: belief is dead.

Likewise in Western Civ today. Our authorities have disgraced themselves behind a new theology of degenerate “science” that veers back into superstition and necromancy. Proof that they don’t believe their own story shows in their desperate efforts to hide the data, confabulate numbers, ignore true facts, and lash out viciously at anyone who discloses their zealous deceits.

Case in point: the persecution of Meryl Nass, MD, in the state of Maine by its Board of Licensure in Medicine. Dr. Nass is an internal medicine physician and a recognized expert in bioterrorism who famously uncovered the origin of the mysterious “Gulf War Syndrome” as a reaction to the US Army’s own anthrax vaccine. She has testified before Congress and in many state legislatures about vaccine safety. After the emergence of Covid-19, Dr. Nass spoke out and blogged about the dangers of the new vaccines, and in favor of early treatment protocols using ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. Her outspokenness attracted the ire of Maine Governor Janet Mills, and Mills’s sister, Dora Anne Mills, the “Chief Health Improvement Officer” at Maine Health, a huge network of twelve hospitals, 1,700 doctors, and 22,000 employees, deeply invested in the Covid vaccine program.

In January of this year, Dr. Nass’s license was suspended by the Licensure Board based on complaints by two “activists” that she was “spreading misinformation” and for her use of early treatment protocols with her own patients. The board compelled Dr. Nass to undergo a neuropsychological evaluation to determine if she was a drug abuser or suffered from mental illness. (Flag that, since it implies official defamation of her character.) The board accused her of “fraud, deceit, or misrepresentation” in her practice, “conduct that evidences a lack of ability or fitness,” and being “an immediate jeopardy” to public health.

For most of this year, the board refused to entertain any defense by Dr. Nass against her suspension until a hearing held last week, October 11, when she appeared before the Licensure Board with her attorney, Gene Libby. The hearing in its entirety can be watched on video at Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s Children’s Health Defense website. (The first two-thirds the board prosecutes its case; the last hour Dr. Nass presents her defense.) Days before the hearing, the Licensure Board withdrew all the “misinformation” charges against Dr. Nass without explanation and now bases its case on Dr. Nass’s use of early treatment protocols.

The hearing was highly instructive on the tactics and strategies for defeating official persecutions against doctors in America (and broadly across all of Western Civ these days), since the Maine licensure Board acted with obvious ignorance and malice that is easily revealed. Dr. Nass’s attorney Gene Libby deftly got the Board on-record attesting to their own deliberate misconduct. For instance, he repeatedly invoked their charges against “spreading misinformation,” forcing the chair, an eye doctor named Maroulla S. Gleaton, to affirm that the charges had been precipitously dropped days before. There was also some lively discussion of the board’s imputations against Dr. Nass’s mental health and insinuations of drug abuse — Dr. Nass testified that she’d never been treated for mental health issues, had never taken pharmaceuticals for them, never took illicit drugs or been accused of it, and, where alcohol was concerned, enjoyed “about five drinks a year.”

Watch the video. I think you can see that the Licensure Board members begin to realize in the proceeding that Dr. Nass is fixing to sue the living shit out of them, and that just about everything they’ve said implicates them in a malice-driven campaign to defame her. In fact, it may be appropriate as events move forward for a court to recommend suspending the medical license of board chair Maroulla S. Gleaton, and the several other board members who are doctors (some are not) for official misconduct, as well as paying damages to Dr. Nass.

The archbishops, confessors, and tortureors in the Inquisitions of yore had, in retrospect, at least one excuse for their misdeeds (what we might call today “crimes against humanity”): empirical science was then in its infancy and their ideas about how the world worked were still largely driven by myth, fear, and occultism. Until fairly recently, when Western Civ went off-the-rails, the thinking classes of America would have easily labeled the activities of the old Inquisition as a form of group insanity.

Alas, the thinking classes across Western Civ have now gone insane. Today, they are the ones perpetrating real crimes against humanity. They have given themselves permission — as elites will — to behave cruelly, unjustly, and idiotically against the public interest and against the inherent rights of individuals to fair treatment. They’ve subjected millions to injury and death. They’ve maintained the fraudulent “Emergency Use Authorization” (EUA) for hugely profitable, ineffective, and dangerous drugs by prohibiting treatments with proven effective drugs — the use of which would nullify the EUA and the legal protections it affords the drug-makers. They’ve concealed the statistics that would show all that. And they appear to be acting with arrant malice driven by political actors offstage.

Dr. Nass is demonstrating how they can be effectively opposed. There should be thousands of heroic figures like her among the doctors of Western Civ. Ask them why they are not standing up in places like California, with its new, idiotically-written law against doctors speaking freely with their patients for the sake of informed consent (“spreading misinformation”). These reprobate lawmakers — and the depraved Governor Gavin Newsom who signed the act — need a lesson in what it means to be civilized. The people running the CDC, the NIH, and the FDA deserve severe floggings in the civil and criminal courts. They all know it now, too, and they’re running scared.

Click Link Above for Original Article